Latest News

Register for SBC Town Hall

Town Hall

Posted on January 11, 2024

Dear SBC Members -

We are delighted to invite you to the Safer Buildings Coalition's interactive Town Hall Meeting Thursday, January 25th, 2024 @2PM ET

Every SBC member is invited to join us for this special one-hour online event.

All active SBC members will receive an invite with registration link by email.


SBC 2024 Seminar Series Update: Round One Complete!

See where we will be – and when – in 2024

If you missed round one, you still have a chance to get the benefits of seminar participation

Alan presenting

Posted on December 19, 2023

SBC’s 2024 Seminar series will visit 27 cities, beginning with Miami on January 31, 2024. In round one, SBC filled 168 of available 216 sponsorship slots, with 48 remaining open. SBC Seminars are a fantastic opportunity to learn the latest in ERCES codes, standards, technologies, trends, and are a wonderful networking experience for all who attend.

Find out all about the 2024 Seminar series, where we will be, and how to attend and participate.



Member Advocacy Work Group Update - December 2023

Member Advocacy

Posted on December 20, 2023

The Member Advocacy Work Group is in the process of planning the inaugural SBC Town Hall meeting, which is set for Thursday, January 25th, 2024

The Town Hall will include the latest from SBC leadership, an overview of important 2024 industry events, a brief introduction to each of the SBC work groups as well as two special sessions.


Codes and Standards Work Group December 2023

Codes and Standards

Posted on December 20, 2023

The SBC Codes & Standards Work Group remains active with its members currently engaged in three main initiatives, in addition to the numerous state- and local-level issues that keep us busy. The three major undertakings the group is remains focused on presently include the looming deadline for the next edition of the International Fire Code, proposed changes to NFPA 1225, and revisions to UL 2524. Below is a brief summary of the activities shared during our December meeting.


SBC Releases Best Practice: Understanding ERCES Backbone, Distribution, and Pathway Survivability

Excerpt from the industry-leading book Complete ERCES Handbook, with bonus content

White Paper

Posted on December 20, 2023

At the Safer Buildings Coalition, we are very often asked questions about ERCES technology, code interpretation, best practices, and every manner of topic you might imagine might come up in discussion on this admittedly complex, and at times confusing, subject.

To help jurisdictions and industry vendors engage in a good dialogue about the correct way to interpret the codes and standards pertaining to ERCES Backbone, Distribution, and Pathway Survivability, we have decided to share a detailed excerpt from our industry-leading reference: Complete ERCES Handbook, along with some useful bonus content. We hope you find it useful in arriving at the best decisions about pathway survivability for the ERCES projects in which you engage.



Government Affairs Workgroup Update - December 2023


Posted on December 20, 2023

Greetings to you during this bright time of year! May you experience the light of laughter, the warmth of love, and the joy of gratitude this season and beyond.

  • As we wind down the year, we are closely monitoring the Legislature in Florida for anything that could affect our members, so far no new bills were introduced, but we will be watching for amendments as the next session starts January 9th. 


From the Chief’s Corner: Our Christmas Gift for You!…

SBC Releases Best Practice: Understanding ERCES Backbone, Distribution, and Pathway Survivability

Chief Alan Perdue

By Chief Alan Perdue (ret.), SBC Executive Director

Posted on December 18, 2023

As I was reflecting on this year’s numerous SBC activities, I thought about requirements for backbone, distribution, and pathway survivability. We field more questions about this topic than anything else, which lead me to think about the phrase “The Gift That Keeps on Giving.” And I believe that we, at the Coalition, have put together just that. From all of us to all of you. 





A View From the Top —  The In-Building Wireless Sector in Fast-Growth Mode, Challenges Remain for Workforce Development and Interference

SBC Board weighs in on the state of the in-building wireless sector

View from the topPosted on December 19, 2023 

Another busy year for the in-building wireless sector — and for us here at the Safer Buildings Coalition — is drawing to an end. As we prepare for another year of working toward fulfilling our Mission, we decided to gauge the current and future state of our sector.

So, who better to ask than our very own SBC Board of Directors -- all of whom are seasoned, thoughtful industry leaders who are up close and personal with the latest and most important developments in technology, codes & standards, enforcement and workforce development — every day?


Our Work Continues —  "Happy New Year" From the Board President

David Adams

Posted on December 20, 2023

Dear SBC Members & Followers -

As we enter into the next year for the Safer Buildings Coalition, I am eager to continue the work of previous years. As we pursue our mission that “People will feel safe inside large buildings,” there are specific areas of focus that I hope to concentrate on growing.



Meet the Newest Safer Buildings Coalition Members - December 2023

Posted on December 19, 2023Meet the Newest members

The Safer Buildings Coalition continues to grow, with more than 200 member organizations across several categories. We value each and every member, and it’s our pleasure to introduce you to the most recent additions to our member base. 




Job Postings







Who's Hiring?

Posted on December 18, 2023

Looking for a new gig? Several SBC members are currently hiring. Visit our Career Board for open positions with Tower IQDay Wireless & Safe-Com Wireless.

Job seekers: Check back frequently for new opportunities.

Employers: Create an account here to start posting jobs on the Board.

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