Chair: Jason Webb, Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC
Sponsor: Alan Perdue, SBC


  • Must be an employee of a current, active SBC Member Organization or Individual Membership. Paid and Gratis Members eligible.
  • Members desiring to participate in any SBC Work Group may submit request for approval to [email protected]   


We work to further the mission of first responder public safety wireless communications in buildings by supporting code and standards development at a national level with model code committees and with local AHJs with engagement and enforcement at a local level.

Scope and Philosophy:

The Codes and Standards Work Group is needed to augment and support the efforts of Executive Director Alan Perdue to achieve the Work Group mission.

The methodology to use is:

  1. Identify and correct, eliminate, or replace current fire codes that do not:
    1. Further the safety of building occupants and first responders.
    2. Are not technically rational.
    3. Are not commercially feasible.
  2. Define new codes that further the mission that are currently missing or lacking.
  3. Identify needed certifications and listings (i.e., UL listing of materials, cables, BDA’s, etc.), work to mold existing certifications, and support Executive Directors efforts to effect positive change as needed.
  4. Expand and Support ED Alan Perdue’s resources and follow his lead in furthering the mission.
  5. Either directly provide or identify technical subject matter expertise that supports the mission and make available to the Executive Director as required.


  1. Support ED Alan Perdue in the current and upcoming NFPA and IFC code cycles.
  2. Participate with SBC Public Safety Technology Work Group to ensure teams working on current NFPA 1225 proposals, revisions to UL 2524, and updates to IFC are informed and well-grounded in sound RF engineering principles and relevant FCC rules.
  3. Other goals as may be defined by ED Alan Perdue and the SBC Board.

Objectives (Specific milestones to accomplish with target dates):

  1. Review of and propose changes in new model Code (NFPA 72, 1221 and IFC 510).  Support Alan’s efforts on the committees.
  2. Continue to update comprehensive calendar of the following events, meetings, and milestones:
    1. NFPA and IFC critical dates, such as upcoming code revisions, comment submittal dates, and other key dates as directed by the Executive Director.
    2. National, regional, and state level meetings pertaining to codes for technical committees, etc.
    3. Other mission critical dates as required.


Interested in Joining the SBC Codes and Standards Work Group?  Have  Question? Contact Group Leaders!