Chair: Jason Webb, Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC Sponsor: Alan Perdue, SBC
- Must be an employee of a current, active SBC Member Organization or Individual Membership. Paid and Gratis Members eligible.
- Members desiring to participate in any SBC Work Group may submit request for approval to [email protected]
We work to further the mission of first responder public safety wireless communications in buildings by supporting code and standards development at a national level with model code committees and with local AHJs with engagement and enforcement at a local level.
Scope and Philosophy:
The Codes and Standards Work Group is needed to augment and support the efforts of Executive Director Alan Perdue to achieve the Work Group mission.
The methodology to use is:
- Identify and correct, eliminate, or replace current fire codes that do not:
- Further the safety of building occupants and first responders.
- Are not technically rational.
- Are not commercially feasible.
- Define new codes that further the mission that are currently missing or lacking.
- Identify needed certifications and listings (i.e., UL listing of materials, cables, BDA’s, etc.), work to mold existing certifications, and support Executive Directors efforts to effect positive change as needed.
- Expand and Support ED Alan Perdue’s resources and follow his lead in furthering the mission.
- Either directly provide or identify technical subject matter expertise that supports the mission and make available to the Executive Director as required.
- Support ED Alan Perdue in the current and upcoming NFPA and IFC code cycles.
- Participate with SBC Public Safety Technology Work Group to ensure teams working on current NFPA 1225 proposals, revisions to UL 2524, and updates to IFC are informed and well-grounded in sound RF engineering principles and relevant FCC rules.
- Other goals as may be defined by ED Alan Perdue and the SBC Board.
Objectives (Specific milestones to accomplish with target dates):
- Review of and propose changes in new model Code (NFPA 72, 1221 and IFC 510). Support Alan’s efforts on the committees.
- Continue to update comprehensive calendar of the following events, meetings, and milestones:
- NFPA and IFC critical dates, such as upcoming code revisions, comment submittal dates, and other key dates as directed by the Executive Director.
- National, regional, and state level meetings pertaining to codes for technical committees, etc.
- Other mission critical dates as required.
Interested in Joining the SBC Codes and Standards Work Group? Have Question? Contact Group Leaders!