Codes and Standards Work Group December 2023
Chair: Jason Webb, Potter Electric Signal Company
The SBC Codes & Standards Work Group remains active with its members currently engaged in three main initiatives, in addition to the numerous state- and local-level issues that keep us busy. The three major undertakings the group is remains focused on presently include the looming deadline for the next edition of the International Fire Code, proposed changes to NFPA 1225, and revisions to UL 2524. Below is a brief summary of the activities shared during our December meeting. International Fire Code – Chief Perdue shared the proposal for changes to section 510 of the next edition (2027 edition) of the International Fire Code. These changes are primarily process related and don’t contain any substantial technical changes. The main goal is targeted towards pointing users to NFPA 1225 rather than repeating requirements in the fire code. The proposal was approved by the Fire Code Action Committee (FCAC) representing an important endorsement ultimately increasing chances of the language making its way into the Fire Code. The work group reviewed the changes and supports the efforts. NFPA 1225 – after many months of hard work to develop a series of mid-cycle changes, called Tentative Interim Amendments (TIA’s), to NFPA 1225 the process has hit a bit of a delay with changes to the NFPA Technical Committee’s chairmanship. Timing of a replacement for the chair by NFPA will help provide further direction. The options include moving forward with the TIA’s or waiting for the document to come back into its regular revision cycle. Work continues on both the technical and strategic parts of this important initiative. UL 2524 – This sub-working group is busy developing and reviewing proposals meant to further improve UL 2524. They are continuing to meet regularly and currently have comments circulating for review. As always, if you have an interest in being part of the Codes and Standards Work Group, please reach out!