Complete ERCES Handbook: Give a book to an AHJ today! Sponsorship Program for SBC Members

Sponsor a Book

Posted on November 16, 2023 

SBC will be on hand at many Fire Marshal and Industry Events Giving Handbooks to Jurisdiction Staff (Event List Below)

Getting ERCES Handbooks into the hands of AHJs and Radio Systems Owners (Frequency License Holders) is a key initiative to:

  • Expand Enforcement
  • Have a more consistent interpretation of codes
  • Reduce misunderstandings
  • Serve as a shared guide that System Integrators can use in their conversations with jurisdictions

SBC is making Handbooks available in a unique program where we can all collaborate to make this happen. Here's how the program works:

  • SBC Member sponsors a carton (or more) of books to be distributed to jurisdiction staff (AHJs, Fire Marshals, Frequency License Holders). There are 8 books to a carton
  • SBC Member can affix a label to the front of the book, indicating the book was provided "Courtesy of [your company]"
  • Member can add contact information, web address, or QR code so book recipients can follow up and develop rapport with your team
  • Cartons are priced at $999 - a deep 26% discount off of list
  • Member can distribute directly, or in some cases SBC can distribute for you




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SBC Industry Events Calendar.

Currently known Fire Marshal Events: 2024

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The Complete ERCES Handbook with NICET In-Building Public Communications (IB-PSC) Study Guide is now in stock and available for immediate ordering and shipping.

This first-of-its-kind printed desk reference and study guide authored by the SBC, in collaboration with subject matter experts from across the industry and with the assistance of the National Association of State Fire Marshalls (NASFM), includes comprehensive learning and reference material pertaining to Emergency Responder Communications Enhancement Systems (ERCES), plus everything you need to prepare for the NICET IB-PSC Certification. It also includes an exclusive ERCES Vendor Directory to accelerate your search for knowledgeable industry resources. 

Get your hands on the handbook today: 



Active Safer Buildings Coalition members receive a discount. For bulk orders, custom promotional opportunities are available.

For complete information about the book, visit: