Broward County BDA Committee Meeting on Tuesday, Sept 17thPosted on September 11, 2019 The BDA Committee under the Broward County Board of Rules and Appeals will have its next meeting on Tuesday, September 17th at 1:30pm. The meeting is open to the public, and Broward County is looking for input/feedback on the Broward County Two-Way Radio Communications Enhancement Systems BC RCES Guidelines, which were discussed during the Committee’s previous meeting – on July 29th --, so if you can: Please attend this meeting and make your voice be heard. "Making a difference means being involved and requires ACTION... The opportunity to provide your insights into Broward County's in-building process is available, its up to each of you to take ACTION...," Chief Alan Perdue, the Safer Buildings Coalition's Executive Director, says. Event address: The meeting will include a report on the Safer Buildings Coalition Miami seminar, which takes place on September 12, 2019. Please click on the link below to access the Sept. 17th meeting agenda: Fore reference, here’s the agenda from the July 29th meeting: