Exhibiting at State or National Fire Marshal Events? Help Us Put the ERCES Handbook Into the Hands of AHJs

Posted on August 26, 2024
Attending, exhibiting at, even sponsoring, a State or National Fire Marshal event this year? If so, we invite you to join our special ERCES Handbook Sponsorship Program, which allows SBC members to purchase one or more boxes of books (eight books per box) at a deep discount, affix their own labels and hand out the book to local AHJs and Radio System Staff. This is a great way to spread the enforcement message, educate jurisdiction staff, and build a relationship based on gratitude and value with book recipients.
State and National Fire Marshal Association events represent a fantastic opportunity to engage the local jurisdiction staff who adopt, enforce, inspect, and approve ERCES codes, rules, and systems. The level of understanding ranges from newcomers to experts, with many shades of gray in between. It provides an opportunity to clear up misconceptions, allow the AHJs to put a face to a name, and for them to get acquainted with better ideas and new players in the sector.
Getting the Handbook into the hands of AHJs and Radio System Staff
Several SBC members have already taken advantage of this special opportunity.
"We at RFE Communications enjoyed being part of the Safer Buildings Coalition book sponsorship program during this year's Florida and Texas Fire Marshals Association shows. We are proud to properly equip AHJs with more knowledge at their disposal regarding ERCES”
Armand Ely President, RFE Communications
How the Sponsorship Program Works
Getting ERCES Handbooks into the hands of AHJs and Radio Systems Owners (Frequency License Holders) is a key initiative to:
- Expand Enforcement
- Have a more consistent interpretation of codes
- Reduce misunderstandings
- Serve as a shared guide that System Integrators can use in their conversations with jurisdictions
Here's how the program works:
- SBC Member sponsors a carton (or more) of books to be distributed to jurisdiction staff (AHJs, Fire Marshals, Frequency License Holders). There are 8 books to a carton
- SBC Member can affix a label to the front of the book, indicating the book was provided "Courtesy of [your company]"
- Member can add contact information, web address, or QR code so book recipients can follow up and develop rapport with your team
- Cartons are priced at $999 - a deep 26% discount off of list
- Member can distribute directly, or in some cases SBC can distribute for you
Upcoming Industry Events & Fire Marshal Conferences
The Complete ERCES Handbook with NICET In-Building Public Communications (IB-PSC) Study Guide is now in stock and available for immediate ordering and shipping.
This first-of-its-kind printed desk reference and study guide authored by the SBC, in collaboration with subject matter experts from across the industry and with the assistance of the National Association of State Fire Marshalls (NASFM), includes comprehensive learning and reference material pertaining to Emergency Responder Communications Enhancement Systems (ERCES), plus everything you need to prepare for the NICET IB-PSC Certification. It also includes an exclusive ERCES Vendor Directory to accelerate your search for knowledgeable industry resources.
Get your hands on the handbook today:
Active Safer Buildings Coalition members receive a discount. For bulk orders, custom promotional opportunities are available.
For complete information about the book, visit: https://www.erceshandbook.com |