News Update

Feel Safe Inside

April 22, 2020

A message from the Safer Buildings Coalition President: Stay positive. Manage the present, but plan for the future.

Patrick Lau

Posted on April 22, 2020

First of all, I hope you and your family are safe and healthy.

The corona crisis has turned our world upside down, but this WILL end, and I would like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts on how we can work our way through this crisis and plan for the future. We are all in this together, and through resilience, adaptability and a positive attitude, we will continue to Unite to Thrive.


IAFC Section Chief O’Brian: We Need PPE

Chief O’Brian

Posted on April 22, 2020

In his presentation today at the NEMA Fire, Life Safety, Security, and Emergency Communications Section Industry Day Event, Chief Michael O’Brian conveyed some stark realities facing the Fire Services in the current environment.



Safer Buildings Coalition Code Topic: Defining Backbone and Distribution

Defining Backbone and Riser Graphic

Posted on April 22, 2020

There is much confusion over the terms Backbone (Riser, Vertical) and Distribution (Feeder, Horizontal). This SBC Code Topic provides an explanation, complete with Code references, to help illustrate these important distinctions in in-building cabling systems.


US Construction Starts Will Start to Rebound Late This Year, Business Analyst Predicts

Construction Graphic

Posted on April 22, 2020
Warehousing, data center construction among sectors that remain strong during COVID-19 crisis

The headwinds currently facing the US economy will start to abate later this year, with several industry sectors set to rebound strongly as the post-corona world offers new opportunities for growth. And even now, at what may be the height of the crisis, lots of construction projects are in the pipeline across the country. Indeed, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 2021 will be better than 2020, and 2022 will be better than 2021. Those are the main conclusions of Dodge Data & Analytics’ outlook on how the corona crisis will impact US construction starts now, and in the immediate and longer-term future. 


NJ Police Captain: MCPTT-Based FirstNet PTT a "Game-Changer," Potential LMR Replacement

FirstNet Logo

Posted on April 22, 2020

“I think it’s really going to be a game-changer for public-safety communications.” That’s the verdict from Captain Guy Patterson after his Cranford, New Jersey Police Department conducted a beta trial of the new FirstNet Push to Talk (PTT) service, which is provided by AT&T and built on the 3GPP mission-critical-push-to-talk (MCPTT) standard

In an interview with IWCE’s Urgent Communications Editor Donny Jackson, Capt. Patterson praised the new FirstNet service “It delivers the performance that public safety needs and can be an LMR alternative for some agencies.”


From the Chief’s Corner: Innovation and Determination in a Time of Crisis

Alan Perdue

Posted on April 22, 2020

2020 has brought about a significant amount of change into our lives. Many organizations have had to rethink their traditional workplace operations, identify and utilize more tech advances, and adapt to changes in how their employees function around themselves and outside stakeholders. Some businesses have gotten larger and some smaller. Our inter-connected world is truly reliant on resources and processes that up until just a few months ago were unknown or limited in use.  

We all know that nothing ever unfolds exactly as planned but this year has also brought plenty of unplanned and postponed activities. In spite of all the technical advances and resources we have at our disposal, qualified and equipped people will ultimately determine an organization’s ability to respond to the challenges that lie ahead.


This is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

This is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Posted on April 8, 2020

You may have heard the phrase “Life on Life’s Terms.” Now, more than ever, this applies. 

It seems unfair, but we are often forced to make important business and life decisions while going through a major life-changing event – be it a birth, death, divorce, whatever. Or a pandemic, which upends the world as we know it. We must make solid decisions at a time when our focus and clear priorities are least available to us.


ICC Survey: 93 Percent of Departments Are Still Performing Inspections During Corona Crisis

ICC Logo

Posted on April 7, 2020
Survey of U.S. code officials shows trends in code compliance during COVID-19

From March 22 through April 1, 2020, the International Code Council (ICC) surveyed building and fire departments in all 50 states to learn how code officials are coping with the professional challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results of the survey, which ICC released on April 6th, show how jurisdictions throughout the U.S. are keeping up with inspections, new building permits and new construction.



Posted on April 22, 2020

Dear Members & Readers,

In this section we’ll bring you updates on the important work done by our Codes & Standards, Government Affairs, Advancement & Public Safety Technology Work Groups.

Our Work Groups are the vehicles by which:

  • Members’ voices are heard as SBC develops new public policy, codes, and standards (Government Affairs, Codes and Standards, Public Safety Technology) Members tell us how to improve the Coalition to better serve them and the mission (Advancement)

  • Members can hear first changes in the industry involving all of the above. Each Work Group is guided by a Chair and a Vice Chair. The reports below will provide monthly updates from the Chair of each Work Group.

  • Participation in Work Groups is one of the best ways to realize value form your Safer Buildings Coalition Membership. Work Group participation is open to all Members of every type.

If you are interested in participating in a Work Group, please contact the Chair of the group.

Work Group Updates:

Codes & Standards Work Group

Advancement Work Group

Government Affairs Work Group

Public Safety Technology Work Group

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In-Building Radio Enhancement Requirements by Jurisdictionand more...

The Safer Buildings Coalition website has an extensive collection of resources to assist in understanding Emergency Responders Radio Coverage Systems (ERRCS) requirements and other topics. 

Visit our USEFUL LINKS Resource Page for more... 

Want to Know Who Can Perform In-Building Public Safety Work?

The purpose of the Safer Buildings Coalition Member Showcase is to provide visibility to the organizations who have demonstrated this commitment through Safer Buildings Coalition participation in this specialized community of practice.

Visit the Showcase Here!


Safer Buildings Coalition | 950 SE Oak Ave Roseburg, OR 97470 | Phone +1-888-600-1011