It's Official! 2019 Safer Buildings Coalition Board of Directors Election Complete!
Posted on August 23, 2019
Eric Toenjes of Graybar elected VP of SBC Board; Dennis Burns of ADRF elected as Secretary, Kevin Persing of Cobham remains on the Board and moves to At-Large Board member
Thank you to all the nominees for stepping up - we hope you will run again next year - and encourage you to participate on Work Groups and seek Work Group Chair and Vice Chair roles.
The Results and New SBC Board Makeup

Current SBC President Jeff Hipchen will step into the role of Immediate Past President. Patrick Lau, our current Vice President, will become President of the Board.
The Following were Elected! Congratulations!
Vice President
At Large
Vice President – Term: 1 year. Note that this is a three-year commitment, which includes the positions of: Vice President (1 year), President (1 year) & Immediate Past Present (1 year).
Secretary – Term: 2 years.
At-Large Director – Term: 2 years